Campus development

That our campus areas develop and provide higher education institutions with the right conditions over time is crucial for us as a company. The key to success is to find close and good forms of collaboration with our customers where we can translate visions into concrete development and action plans.

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Vacant premises

Our knowledge environments are dynamic places where the core focuse is on education and research, but also on entrepreneurship and innovation. We have modern labs and offices for rent at several of our campuses.

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Customer service

Campus development

That our campus areas develop and provide higher education institutions with the right conditions over time is crucial for us as a company. The key to success is to find close and good forms of collaboration with our customers where we can translate visions into concrete development and action plans.

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Vacant premises

Our knowledge environments are dynamic places where the core focuse is on education and research, but also on entrepreneurship and innovation. We have modern labs and offices for rent at several of our campuses.

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Customer service

Corporate governance

Articles of Association

Company reg. no.: 556459-9156

§ 1 Name

The name of the Company is Akademiska Hus Aktiebolag. The Company is a public company (publ).

§ 2 Registered office

The registered office of the Company is in Gothenburg.

§ 3 Business

The object of the Company’s operations is to own, develop and manage properties for colleges and universities, where the primary focus is on education and research, as well as activities compatible therewith. Operations will be run on a commercial basis and generate a yield that is in line with the market by setting rents that take into account the operating risk. Akademiska Hus Aktiebolag will work to bring about long-term sustainable development of university and college campuses.

§ 4 Share capital

The Company’s share capital shall be not less than one billion Swedish kronor (SEK 1,000,000,000) and not more than four billion Swedish kronor (SEK 4,000,000,000).

§ 5 Number of shares

The number of shares shall be not less than one million (1,000,000) and not more than four million (4,000,000).

§ 6 Board of Directors and auditors

The Company’s Board of Directors shall, to the extent it is appointed by the general meeting of shareholders, consist of a minimum of three (3) and a maximum of ten (10) members with no deputies. The General Meeting shall appoint the Chair of the Board. If the chair relinquishes his or her duties during the mandate period, the Board is to elect a chair from amongst its members to serve until the end of the next shareholders’ meeting.

The Company shall have one (1) or two (2) authorised public accountants with or without one (1) or two (2) deputy auditors or one (1) registered accounting firm as auditor.

§ 7 Notice of shareholders meeting

Notice of an Annual General Meeting and of an Extraordinary General Meeting at which the question of amendments to the Articles of Association will be considered, shall be issued no more than six (6) and no less than four (4) weeks prior to the Meeting Notice of any other Extraordinary General Meeting shall be issued no more than six (6) and no less than three (3) weeks prior to the Meeting.

Notice of General Meetings shall be sent by post to the shareholder and shall be published in Post- och Inrikes Tidningar, as well as on the company’s website. Information announcing that notice has been published shall be advertised in Dagens Industri at the time of notice.

§ 8 Financial year

The Company’s financial year shall be the calendar year.

§ 9 Riksdag Member’s attendance at General Meetings

If the Company has more than fifty (50) employees, a member of the Swedish Parliament shall be entitled, following notice to the Board, to attend the General Meeting of Shareholders and post questions at such meetings. The application to attend should be received by the Board one (1) week in advance. Notification of the time and place of the General Meeting shall be sent by post to the Swedish Parliament Central Bureau in connection with the issuance of the notice.

§ 10 Location of General Meeting

In addition to where the Board is registered, General Meetings may also be held in Stockholm.

Adopted at the Annual General Meeting 28 April 2015