Campus development

That our campus areas develop and provide higher education institutions with the right conditions over time is crucial for us as a company. The key to success is to find close and good forms of collaboration with our customers where we can translate visions into concrete development and action plans.

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Vacant premises

Our knowledge environments are dynamic places where the core focuse is on education and research, but also on entrepreneurship and innovation. We have modern labs and offices for rent at several of our campuses.

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Customer service

Campus development

That our campus areas develop and provide higher education institutions with the right conditions over time is crucial for us as a company. The key to success is to find close and good forms of collaboration with our customers where we can translate visions into concrete development and action plans.

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Vacant premises

Our knowledge environments are dynamic places where the core focuse is on education and research, but also on entrepreneurship and innovation. We have modern labs and offices for rent at several of our campuses.

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Customer service

Work with us

A sustainable workplace

Our focus is to develop knowledge environments that strengthen the attractiveness of our higher education institutions. To succeed in this, we need broad expertise in everything from property management to strategic property development.

Together with universities and colleges, we want to strengthen Sweden as a knowledge nation by building, developing and managing environments for education, research and innovation. Our houses are located in locations all over the country – from Luleå in the north to Malmö in the south. Around 320,000 people study, research and work in our buildings. 


Creating the knowledge environments of the future requires cutting-edge expertise and the ability to take development ideas from design to finished construction in close collaboration with our customers.

It is important to us that all employees feel that they have the skills required to perform their jobs. We invest a lot in training and development and have an internal training portal, with the vision of being a role model in the industry when it comes to skills development. The training is often role-based and tailored to our business and consists of both teacher-led training and e-learning. A large part of the training is held by our own employees.

In addition to training and courses, we have company-wide activities every year and many working groups have team days. We grow with our employees, which is why it is particularly important for us to invest in skills development.


For several years, Akademiska Hus has had international principles and frameworks such as the Global Compact and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights as a starting point in its operations.

The equal value of all people is a fundamental right and we strive to maintain a work environment based on mutual respect, where everyone is given equal opportunities regardless of gender, nationality, religion, ethnicity or sexual orientation.

Our equal treatment plan includes working for increased ethnic diversity and at every recruitment occasion this is taken into account as an important factor.


As a state-owned company, we have a special responsibility to conduct our business in an efficient and long-term sustainable manner, and since the company was formed, we have worked actively with sustainability issues. At that time, there was a clear focus on environmental issues. Now, sustainability work encompasses much more than that. One of our most important social sustainability goals is to work for an accident-free workplace.

To support employees, we have developed a code of conduct and a purchasing policy that, together with our sustainability policy, will make it easy to work with all aspects of sustainability.

Read more about our sustainability work on our Sustainability pages.


We work actively to inspire all employees to a healthier and healthier life. Akademiska Hus collaborates with ActiWay, which offers a rich range of wellness activities where you as an employee can use the wellness allowance of SEK 4,500 per year. In addition, we have our fantastic wellness inspirers who, through various themes and activities, do their part to make us all feel good.

Health insurance and medicines

As an employee of Akademiska Hus, you have the opportunity to take out affordable health insurance. We also reimburse expenses for publicly funded medical care and medicines that are subject to prescription and that are included in the high-cost protection.


If you are a new parent and are going on parental leave, Akademiska Hus pays a parental leave supplement of 10 per cent of your salary. This means that as a person on parental leave, you have the opportunity to receive up to 90 percent of your regular salary.

We also have something called contract days. As a full-time employee, in addition to your vacation days, you get an additional six days to take as leave each calendar year. If you work part-time, the number of days is calculated in proportion to the working hours.