The implementation of AI in the real estate industry is well underway, although there are challenges in the pace of change. Systems need to be improved, the issue needs legitimacy in organizations and collaboration, dialogue and knowledge transfer are keys to be able to gear up the use of AI further. Building a knowledge platform has also been the goal of the initiative Kraftsamling – AI i samhällsbyggningen, which has had the purpose of increasing the application of AI to contribute to sustainable development and increased societal benefits throughout the sector.
The three-year project that is now being completed has been run within the framework of Smart Built Environment with funding from Formas, Vinnova and the Swedish Energy Agency
Akademiska Hus has participated together with a number of actors, other real estate companies, energy suppliers, technology companies and AI specialists to learn more, test pilots and find new ways forward for more sustainable property operations.
Case E house
Together with Vasakronan, Akademiska Hus has also participated in a sub-project to find solutions to streamline property operations and energy work. The focus has been on existing buildings that currently have connected technology with the goal of developing a model that can predict deviations. In this case, the E-building at Lund University has been part of the case.
"AI is important for us as a real estate company and not least to understand what a super tool it can become. I look forward to the next project. Good data is the foundation for being able to work with AI and for getting a good result. In the project, we have had challenges in finding secure methods for sharing data – something that we have spent a lot of time finding a process for," says Hadi Ilani, innovation project manager at Akademiska Hus.
The event took place on 30 March in Akademiska Hus' premises at A Working Lab at Chalmers' Johanneberg campus.
Watch the event afterwards here