This week, the upgraded roadmap was submitted to Minister for Infrastructure and Housing Andreas Carlson. The plan clarifies how the construction and civil engineering sector intends to work to achieve the national climate goal of net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2045. The roadmap also shows what is required of the policy to support the work. By dedicating all participating actors to concrete commitments based on the actor's role and disposition, it is ensured that the goals in the roadmap are translated into action.
In connection with the launch of the upgraded roadmap, Fossil Free Sweden, together with representatives of the construction and civil engineering sector, has written a debate article in Di. The article mentions, among other things, Akademiska Hus' work to reduce our emissions by 85 percent by 2035 by making better use of existing buildings and premises rather than building new.
"The upgraded roadmap gives the industry an important and clear focus on the fact that it is time to increase the pace of reducing emissions. Akademiska Hus' climate work is mentioned as a role model, which gives us even more motivation to continue on this path," says Erik Florman, Head of Sustainability at Akademiska Hus.
About Fossil Free Sweden
Fossil Free Sweden was started on the initiative of the government in 2015 ahead of the UN climate summit in Paris and brings together actors in the form of companies, municipalities, regions and organizations that support the declaration that Sweden will become one of the world's first fossil-free welfare countries. Akademiska Hus is one of the actors that has been involved since the start.
Read also!
Debate article in Dagens Industri
Erik Florman