Summary of Year-end Report 2024:
- Rental revenue amounted to SEK 7,860 million (7,511). An increase of 5 per cent compared with last year.
- Operating costs amounted to SEK 1,193 million (1,308).
- Net interest income amounted to SEK -1,008 million (-868) and changes in the value of financial instruments amounted to SEK -189 million (-298).
- Income from property management was SEK 4,617 million (4,264), an increase of 8 per cent compared with last year.
- Changes in property values amounted to SEK -1,885 million (-3,475).
- Profit before tax was SEK 2,543 million (491) and profit for the period was SEK 2,020 million (307).
- Investments in redevelopment, extensions and new construction totalled SEK 2,550 million (2,684).
- Properties with a value of SEK 382 million (95) were sold. The capital gain amounted to SEK 23 million (4).
- The yield, excluding properties under construction, was 5.4 per cent (4.9) over the past 12 months.
- The Board of Directors proposes a dividend of SEK 2,473 million (2,218).
“More and more companies want to have an on-campus presence, creating unique opportunities for collaboration between academia and business. This trend reinforces the role of the campus as an engine for innovation and growth. I look forward in 2025 to continuing our close collaboration with customers and partners to shape the knowledge environments of the future together, says Caroline Arehult, CEO of Akademiska Hus.