Campus development

That our campus areas develop and provide higher education institutions with the right conditions over time is crucial for us as a company. The key to success is to find close and good forms of collaboration with our customers where we can translate visions into concrete development and action plans.

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Vacant premises

Our knowledge environments are dynamic places where the core focuse is on education and research, but also on entrepreneurship and innovation. We have modern labs and offices for rent at several of our campuses.

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Customer service

Campus development

That our campus areas develop and provide higher education institutions with the right conditions over time is crucial for us as a company. The key to success is to find close and good forms of collaboration with our customers where we can translate visions into concrete development and action plans.

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Vacant premises

Our knowledge environments are dynamic places where the core focuse is on education and research, but also on entrepreneurship and innovation. We have modern labs and offices for rent at several of our campuses.

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Customer service


Knowledge School/Gymnasiet Norra. Quarterly check evacuation/fire alarm takes place on 16/9 starting at approx. 06.30


Friday 16/9 starting at approx. At 06.30 we will test the fire alarm at the school/high school, this is a safety measure that the property owner must implement. We strive to be ready as soon as possible, so you will be disturbed as little as possible.

If fire or danger of any kind occurs during this period, call 112.