Campus development

That our campus areas develop and provide higher education institutions with the right conditions over time is crucial for us as a company. The key to success is to find close and good forms of collaboration with our customers where we can translate visions into concrete development and action plans.

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Vacant premises

Our knowledge environments are dynamic places where the core focuse is on education and research, but also on entrepreneurship and innovation. We have modern labs and offices for rent at several of our campuses.

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Customer service

Campus development

That our campus areas develop and provide higher education institutions with the right conditions over time is crucial for us as a company. The key to success is to find close and good forms of collaboration with our customers where we can translate visions into concrete development and action plans.

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Vacant premises

Our knowledge environments are dynamic places where the core focuse is on education and research, but also on entrepreneurship and innovation. We have modern labs and offices for rent at several of our campuses.

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Customer service

Campus development

The learning environments of the future

We always work to give our customers the right conditions for their business. Flexible, hybrid, inclusive and varied learning environments are something that is increasingly in demand.  

More flexibility is increasingly requested

Learning environments for higher education have looked much the same over the past 100 years, but something is changing. We are seeing a sharply increased interest in environments that support student-active pedagogical methods and that take advantage of the opportunities offered by digitalisation.

Testing and finding solutions together

In close collaboration with various higher education institutions, we work with development and innovation projects that aim to increase the element of environments that support student-active learning. For example, it can be rooms and environments that support flexibility, grading halls for interactive teaching elements, study areas and group rooms, makerspaces and other innovative environments. The individual university's conditions and needs are in charge. 

Learning Lab – testbeds for the learning environments of the future

In close collaboration with the University of Gothenburg, Umeå University and Örebro University, our properties serve as test beds for innovation, research and development on the learning environments of the future.

Learning Lab – University of Gothenburg, Sweden

Testbed with unique opportunities for more flexible learning at Chalmers campus Johanneberg.

Learning Lab – Örebro University

A test environment on campus that provides better support for a more student-active teaching and learning.

Learning Lab – Umeå University

An exclusive test environment with a lot of technology to explore and take hybrid learning to a new level.

Needs dialogue

How we find the right solutions together

In many of our collaborative projects, we work with the process methodology Needs Dialogue, a systematic way of tackling complex challenges. The needs dialogue is a design process where local conditions and needs form the basis for idea generation and finally concrete proposals for solutions.

Needs dialogue is a method for the development of learning environments on campus. The framework is a series of workshops that follow a design process, from identifying needs to concrete proposals for solutions. For those of you who are just starting to carry out a Needs Dialogue or are curious about how it works, we have produced a short presentation. It is about 10 minutes long and goes again what, how and why.