Campus development

That our campus areas develop and provide higher education institutions with the right conditions over time is crucial for us as a company. The key to success is to find close and good forms of collaboration with our customers where we can translate visions into concrete development and action plans.

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Vacant premises

Our knowledge environments are dynamic places where the core focuse is on education and research, but also on entrepreneurship and innovation. We have modern labs and offices for rent at several of our campuses.

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Customer service

Campus development

That our campus areas develop and provide higher education institutions with the right conditions over time is crucial for us as a company. The key to success is to find close and good forms of collaboration with our customers where we can translate visions into concrete development and action plans.

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Vacant premises

Our knowledge environments are dynamic places where the core focuse is on education and research, but also on entrepreneurship and innovation. We have modern labs and offices for rent at several of our campuses.

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Customer service


University of Borås

Disturbances & Info


Måndag 20 november, 2023

Lighting work

On November 22, we will replace the facade lighting at the main entrance at Balder, Allégatan 1. The lighting change is part of the project 'Belysning Allégatan' which the City of Borås runs and in which Akademiska hus is involved. We estimate that the replacement of the facade lighting will take approximately three days and during this period there may be noise. We apologize for the inconvenience!This text has been automatically translated, and some inaccuracies may be present.

Fredag 18 november, 2022

On the importance of art for the campus

Welcome to a seminar on the importance and role of art for a knowledge environment. The seminar is digital, but there are also audience seats in the studio in Gothenburg and you indicate your interest in the registration form. The broadcast is recorded in its entirety and can be viewed afterwards. Participating in the seminar are Lena From, head of the art unit at the State Council for the Arts, Marcus Rancken, strategic property developer and art manager at Akademiska Hus, Ylva Snöfrid, artist and currently with three works for Forum Medicum at Lund University. We also hear from several university representatives about their favorite works of art on campus. Through Hanna Ljungh, artist, we get to know more about her new work for the University of Gothenburg and the Natrium project and what the process for it has looked like. Dennis Dahlqvist, journalist, art historian and art critic, is the seminar's moderator. Date: 22 November Time: 13.15-14.15

Måndag 13 juni, 2022

About the campus of the future and what the new normal is

After a semester that to a large extent could finally be conducted without restrictions, we now ask ourselves, what is the new normal and how does the campus need to be designed in the future. The seminar is attended by representatives from Umeå University, the University of Gothenburg, student organizations, Akademiska Hus and the University Chancellor's Office. Sign up now. The seminar is free, digital and takes place between 13-14 on 22 June.

Fredag 18 mars, 2022

Did you miss the seminar on circularity for sustainable campus development! Now you can see it in retrospect!

On 15 March 2022, a digital seminar was held with a focus on climate responsibility in the construction and real estate industry and how we with circular processes can find new ways to the knowledge environments of the future and contribute to the transition to a sustainable society. Through the recycling of materials and through a transition from the linear to the circular, there is great potential for a reduced climate footprint. Changes that can enable us to develop campus areas in a more sustainable way in the future.

Onsdag 2 mars, 2022

Circularity for more sustainable campus development!

Circularity for more sustainable campus development! We invite you to a digital Aha seminar on March 15 at 9-10 . We focus on climate responsibility in the construction and real estate industry and how we with circular processes can find new ways to the knowledge environments of the future and contribute to the transition to a sustainable society. Through the recycling of materials and through a transition from the linear to the circular, there is great potential for a reduced climate footprint. Changes that can enable us to develop campus areas in a more sustainable way in the future. The seminar begins with Amanda Borneke , expert and inspirer in circularity in the construction industry. Mia Edofsson , head of sustainability at Akademiska Hus, gives the property owner's perspective on recycling and circular processes and also tells more about how Akademiska Hus works to achieve climate neutrality. The seminar ends with a discussion in which Jonas Grafström , PhD in economics at the Ratio research institute, participates. In his research, he analyzes, among other things, the obstacles that must be overcome if the circular economy is to have the impact that so many people hope for. The call is digital and will be recorded. Link to connect is sent in a separate email the day before. Welcome!

Fredag 15 oktober, 2021

The learning environments of the future are varied, hybrid and flexible

The need to meet physically for teaching became clear during the pandemic. Now there is also a growing interest in higher education institutions for questions about how to actually take advantage of the time when you meet. This is shown by a new research report, on the learning environments of the future, initiated by Akademiska Hus. The report "Learning environments of the future, a research-based overview" has been written by Marie Leijon, senior lecturer at Malmö University and Åse Tieva, senior lecturer at Umeå University. The project was initiated by Akademiska Hus before the pandemic in order to get a more comprehensive picture of the research situation in the area and thus have a greater opportunity to design the learning environments of the future on a scientific basis. One conclusion that the authors draw is that we will see an increased variety and flexibility in the development of learning environments. There is not one type of environment that works for all situations, students have different needs and teachers use different pedagogical methods. - We simply have to start from what we want the student to learn and design pedagogy and learning environments that provide the best support for it, says Åse Tieva, Umeå University. The research indicates that it is therefore relevant to involve teachers and students to a greater extent in the development of learning environments. Starting from learning is just as important in the physical as in the virtual or hybrid space, which also needs to be designed based on pedagogy and learning. When the pandemic broke out, the project was expanded and a question was added about what experiences higher education institutions had in connection with the pandemic in relation to learning environments. - For those of us who are interested in questions about learning environments, it is clear that this has been an interesting period. Suddenly, issues that we have focused on for a long time have ended up high on the agenda, also at the higher education institutions' management level, and I see that as very positive, says Marie Leijon, senior lecturer at Malmö University. The report has three parts. The latter two focus more on the pandemic's consequences for education and learning environments. A survey is presented where representatives of a selection of Swedish universities have shared their experiences during the pandemic. The first part of the report provides a survey and a summary of research on learning environments 2009-2021. The overview shows that the research field of learning environments in higher education is growing and that it is characterized by a variety of concepts, which are interpreted differently. Through the report, the authors contribute to the discussion by presenting interpretations of concepts about learning environments in a glossary. Return to campus - but not as before The way in which the pandemic will change how learning environments should be designed is of course difficult to give an exact answer to right now. The report refers to researchers who warn that “emergency remote teaching” may become the new normal and that we must take a critical approach to digitalised teaching methods and devote ourselves to quality development. It also describes reasoning about how the pandemic meant a quick and necessary change, but that more active action is now required to design the education we actually want. Something that the report authors agree with. - University pedagogical development departments have had a lot to do during the pandemic and they will also play an important role in the future when we now return to campus, says Åse Tieva and is supported by Marie Leijon. - We have heard many state since the pandemic broke out that we should take the good parts into the new. But in what way? How to do it? I'm afraid that too much lands on the individual educator.

Torsdag 7 oktober, 2021

This year's customer survey!

Hey! This year's customer survey is underway and I want to thank everyone who has already responded. Those of you who have already responded to the survey, you can ignore this email. We have hired the company Prognoscentret AB to carry out the survey and I would really appreciate if you could set aside a few minutes and answer the survey. Your opinions are very important for our improvement work. Take the chance and like Akademiska Hus.