Campus development

That our campus areas develop and provide higher education institutions with the right conditions over time is crucial for us as a company. The key to success is to find close and good forms of collaboration with our customers where we can translate visions into concrete development and action plans.

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Vacant premises

Our knowledge environments are dynamic places where the core focuse is on education and research, but also on entrepreneurship and innovation. We have modern labs and offices for rent at several of our campuses.

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Customer service

Campus development

That our campus areas develop and provide higher education institutions with the right conditions over time is crucial for us as a company. The key to success is to find close and good forms of collaboration with our customers where we can translate visions into concrete development and action plans.

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Vacant premises

Our knowledge environments are dynamic places where the core focuse is on education and research, but also on entrepreneurship and innovation. We have modern labs and offices for rent at several of our campuses.

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Customer service


University of Gävle

Disturbances & Info


Tisdag 19 september, 2023

Student project strengthens the outdoor environment at the University of Gävle

Last Friday, two unique student projects were premiered on the campus at the University of Gävle. Behind the works are students from the Industrial Design Program who have been tasked with creating something that reduces the barrier between outside and inside. The outdoor environments play an important role in Akademiska Hus' work to create attractive campuses where students, researchers and visitors thrive and feel good and where the environments contribute to learning, performance and recovery. During the fall of 2021, a collaboration with the University of Gävle was therefore started, where the students from the Industrial Design program were tasked with designing something that reduces the barrier between outside and inside. Two of the projects have been realized and are now ready on campus. The projects have been carried out as part of Akademiska Hus' innovation work. Quarter break The idea behind the project is based on silence and pause and appeals to our senses. Here, those who need to take a break can sit down in the multifunctional piece of furniture, smell the flowers, taste berries and look at the work representing the note value of a quarter break, which should communicate the importance of planning and making room for recovery in everyday life. Sweet spot The project identifies places on campus where students and employees can go for recovery and energy replenishment with the help of nature. Each Sweetspot offers its own solution on how to use nature to feel good. It can be by listening, feeling or challenging yourself.

Tisdag 6 september, 2022

New ways of meeting and learning outdoors are now being tested at the University of Gävle

Starting today, a new kind of outdoor room with associated furniture is being tested at the University of Gävle. The products are produced by a Gävle-based designer with the help of money from Vinnova and Akademiska Hus. "The Whale" is a kind of pergola with interior design that has been developed by Lovisa Pettersson, a former industrial design student from the University of Gävle. There is room for around 20 people inside The Whale and the idea is that people can meet here for meetings or lectures - outdoors. Inside the outdoor room there is also a new type of hybrid table - "The Ant" - which can be used both as a standing table and to lean against. An innovative product that will get better with time Until now, The Whale has not been tested as an educational environment. The designer Lovisa Pettersson would therefore like to have input from the university's lecturers and students to see how the room can be developed. - I look forward to seeing students and teachers start using this. A test bed is incredibly important to see that what we have developed actually solves the problem and the need on site. We can think, ponder and come up with guesses, but it is only when it is tested and used that we actually find out what works well and what works less well, says Lovisa Pettersson. The Whale will not have full accessibility status. There is no hearing loop and the path to the classroom is plain grass.

Måndag 25 april, 2022

Activity cabinets inspire joy of movement and outdoor stay on campus

There is now a brand new activity locker on campus. Here you can borrow tools for play and games. The pink cupboard is located next to the volleyball court next to house 81 Idun. The lockers are financed by Akademiska Hus and are available to everyone who stays on campus. How-to? Via the app "Piffl" you can see where there is an activity locker and what tools are available. For example, you can borrow tools and balls for 13 different sports such as volleyball, speedminton, cub and croquet. The cost of opening the cabinet is SEK 10 and thereafter SEK 10 / hour. Download the app and test! Search for "Piffl" on the AppStore or Google Play.

Torsdag 13 januari, 2022

The University of Gävle gets a virtual campus

The campus area in Gävle is currently undergoing an extensive 3D scan of all buildings. It is Akademiska Hus in collaboration with the University of Gävle who wants to create a digital twin of the campus. The goal is to achieve smarter space utilization by up to 20-30 percent, reduced energy use and new services that will make it both more fun and more attractive to be on campus. Since the end of December, a digital scan has been carried out by the University of Gävle. In the first stage, this is an internal laser scan of all buildings, something that in total covers just over 60,000 m2. In a second phase, the outdoor environments will also be scanned with the help of drones to get a complete picture of the campus. In short, it can be said that the digital model that is created should then be supplemented with other data. In this way, a digital copy is obtained which, when connected to a network, becomes a so-called digital twin. The investment is part of Akademiska Hus' work to digitize its property portfolio and the possibilities with the new technology are many. - The goal is to use today's buildings smarter with data and analyzes that the digital twin generates. Above all, we want to be able to evaluate whether we have the right size of premises and secure so that we use the existing property portfolio so well that in the future we do not have to build new ones. This is the most sustainable alternative and crucial for Akademiska Hus if we are to achieve our goal of climate neutrality, says Peter Karlsson, innovation leader at Akademiska Hus. He continues: - Just by gaining knowledge about how rooms are booked but no one shows up gives us the opportunity to increase usage by over 10 percent. When we then connect to building-related data and do more advanced analyzes on the digital copy, we will be able to help our customers use the existing buildings up to 20–30 percent better, at least. Like a Google Street View With the digital twin, the buildings at the University of Gävle will be able to be experienced virtually remotely, but also in a place where the physical space is joined and strengthened via AR technology in, for example, apps and telephones. Gemini generates smart and innovative solutions beyond the ordinary, including an "indoor Google Street View" where the ambition is that in the future it will be possible to move around the premises digitally, search for objects, find where the next lecture is held or where there are vacancies room. The digital twin will also make it possible for the buildings to be operated in even more energy-optimal ways and for it to be easier to detect when something in the premises is not working. - Our ambition is to start experimenting and testing things in the digital twin in the next step to understand how we can even better create environments that everyone working at the University of Gävle really enjoys, says Peter Karlsson, innovation manager at Akademiska Hus. - We are positive to Akademiska Hus' initiative. This technology can lead to it being easier to find on campus with the help of the Street View function, but also to us being able to work with and use our premises more efficiently, says Fredrika Nordahl Westin, local administrator at the University of Gävle. The internal scan began on December 27, 2021 and is expected to be completed on January 14, 2022. The drone scan of the outdoor environments is scheduled to begin in the spring of 2022 at the earliest. You can watch a movie about what a digital twin can look like here.

Måndag 21 december, 2020

Christmas greeting from Akademiska Hus

Christmas is approaching and a new year is fast approaching. We at academic houses want to take the opportunity to wish you all A peaceful Merry Christmas and a Happy New Happy Year. Until we can meet in person again, we want to share a selection of what we have worked with during the year: - Together with representatives from HiG's real estate department, students and teachers, we have carried out an entire workshop series with the learning environments of the future in focus. Luckily we had time to have the first three opportunities in place in Gävle before Corona put a stop to it and we switched digitally. A fantastically fun process that will result in a strategic document that we together with HiG will work on for many years to come. - Maintenance takes place as usual according to our maintenance plan and this year there are two measures that we primarily want to lift. In the library we have improved the indoor climate and in the corridor in house 11 we have improved the lighting and refreshed the surface layers. These are both part of our work with sustainability, which since it has been completed shows a reduction in energy and a more pleasant environment. - That the outdoor environment is important has probably not escaped anyone - and that it will be even more important after the pandemic, many can probably sign. In the wake of the learning environment process above, we have started work for the outdoor environment where we eventually want to strengthen the outdoor environment both from the learning perspective and restorative environments, this will be exciting to work more with next year. Thank you for this year and We look forward to an exciting new year with you! Error reporting is open as usual and you can report errors via our website or in the My Campus app. Sincerely Academic House with staff

Onsdag 20 maj, 2020

Akademiska Hus is investing in increased biodiversity

To create more attractive campus areas and contribute to a more sustainable society, Akademiska Hus conducts a series of initiatives around the country that promote biodiversity. The result has positive effects for humans as well as animals and vegetation. As one of Sweden's largest park managers, Akademiska Hus places great focus on the outdoor environments that surround the 3.3 million square meter large property portfolio. Through greenery and nature on campus, the conditions for a stressful and performance-enhancing living environment are created, while positive effects are created for animals and vegetation. - We want the country's campus to be an asset for the entire community and we work to strengthen the biodiversity in our ongoing administration as well as when we develop new buildings or entire areas. In this way, we provide better conditions for both humans, animals and insects to thrive on campus and in the ecologically sustainable outdoor environments created there, says Mia Edofsson, sustainability manager at Akademiska Hus. Small and large efforts When Akademiska Hus plans together with the university institutions for the development of the campus areas, this is done through long-term campus plans, where climate, social and ecological perspectives are taken into account. The systematic work places great emphasis on protecting the green qualities and biodiversity - now and over time. Around the country there are a number of examples of investments being made to promote increased wealth. These are, for example, insect hotels, hedgehogs, beehives and hollows adapted for, for example, mites, stares, tree crawlers, bats and butterflies. In several places, Akademiska Hus has reinforced campus ecological values by constructing meadows, cultivation lots, stormwater ponds, water mirrors and permaculture gardens. A large number of buildings have been given green sedum roofs with space for secondary batteries that provide housing for wild bees. Contributing to increased biodiversity has in some cases also guided the development of brand new campus areas. In Stockholm, a cohesive university area is emerging that extends from Stockholm University in the north, via KTH over to Hagastaden with Karolinska Institutet in the west. The development of the Albano campus into a modern and competitive university environment is in harmony with nature and the aim is to become a role model in sustainable urban construction. As proof of the project's sustainability success, Albano is the first campus area in Sweden that has been certified according to Citylab, a sustainability certification that does not only cover an individual building but includes an entire urban development project. In Albano, new water systems are created to deal with stormwater, an improved microclimate and outdoor environments designed to strengthen the distribution routes for plants and animals between the National City Park and Haga Park. The choice of biotopes and plants is based on surrounding landscapes and placed so that they support known, ecological propagation paths. Through green roofs with large open roof terraces where students, staff and even the general public have access, the university buildings become an integral part of the park environment. - With large and small efforts, we contribute to increasing biodiversity in the country's campus areas. The work is done in close collaboration with our customers and other stakeholders, where we work together for an even more sustainable society, ”says Mia Edofsson. Ask us! If you are interested in how we work with biodiversity in your campus area, you are welcome to ask your manager! Read more! Read more about Akademiska Hus's sustainability work here:

Måndag 18 maj, 2020

Crown stabilization of winds at Kungsbäck

In order to continue to strengthen the outdoor environment and the fine framing of the University entrance, a number of lanes along Kungsbäcksvägen will be maintained. This is done through crown stabilization, which means that the branches at the top of the tree are stabilized to reduce the risk of the crown breaking. The work is performed by an arborist and begins during v.24. Expected to be completed within two weeks.