Campus development

That our campus areas develop and provide higher education institutions with the right conditions over time is crucial for us as a company. The key to success is to find close and good forms of collaboration with our customers where we can translate visions into concrete development and action plans.

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Vacant premises

Our knowledge environments are dynamic places where the core focuse is on education and research, but also on entrepreneurship and innovation. We have modern labs and offices for rent at several of our campuses.

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Customer service

Campus development

That our campus areas develop and provide higher education institutions with the right conditions over time is crucial for us as a company. The key to success is to find close and good forms of collaboration with our customers where we can translate visions into concrete development and action plans.

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Vacant premises

Our knowledge environments are dynamic places where the core focuse is on education and research, but also on entrepreneurship and innovation. We have modern labs and offices for rent at several of our campuses.

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Customer service


University of Gothenburg - Campus Medicinareberget

Disturbances & Info


Onsdag 3 juli, 2024

Electric car charging at Medicinareberget

We are changing the rules for parking at Akademiska Hus electric car lots on Medicinareberget from July 1.Today there are 10 electric car chargers, 4 at the entrance to Medicinareberget by the igloo and 6 at Medicinaregatan 14. To make it possible for those who need to charge their electric car, it will be required from July 1 to charge their car to get park in one of these 10 parking spaces. You pay the parking fee as usual, but you must also charge the car.The advantages of the change are that employees, students and visitors can easily charge their electric car at Medicinareberget and that the electric car chargers will be available to those who need to charge the car.You therefore do not need a parking permit.What happens if my car is fully charged but I'm stuck and can't move the car, will I get a parking fine?No, as long as you have paid the parking fee and connected your car, you will not receive a parking fine even if the car is fully charged.Will the same rules apply at Akademiska Hus' other car parks?No, Akademiska Hus has installed chargers in other car parks in Gothenburg, but only Medicinareberget is affected at the moment.

Torsdag 4 januari, 2024

Information about the car parks from 1 January

From 1 January 2024, the University of Gothenburg hands over responsibility for the parking lots to Akademiska Hus on the Medicinareberget, Haga-Linné, Haga-Handels and Lorensberg campuses. What does this mean for me who has to park the car? Today's parking permit continues to apply until further notice. The goal is to find a digital solution and in the meantime the parking permits for 2023 run indefinitely. In 2024, no change will be made to the rates for parking. Please note that Easy Park now charges a service fee to use their app. If you use the Smart Parking app or pay via the web, you avoid the service fee. The EasyPark app can still be used, but keep in mind that these are new zones! In addition, you can pay with the Smart Parks app and on the web as well as SMS. Important about zone codes: P permit gives the right to a lower rate. To get the lower rate, add a 1 to the end of the current zone code. For example Viktoriagatan has zone code 11933 for visitors, to obtain the lower rate use zone code 119331. The signage will only show the zone code for visitors who pay a higher rate. See attached file for current zone codes. Which parking company will work in the areas? Smart Parking How do I get in touch with Smart Parking? Customer service is open on weekdays from 8 am to 5 pm and can be reached by phone: 0771 80 88 80 – key selection 3 or email: You can also chat via the website or use the contact form on the website If I see a wrongly parked car, where do I turn? Telephone: 0771 80 88 80 - dial 1. Opening hours 00-24 every day. For less urgent error reports, it is fine to send an email to What does this mean for me who wants to charge my electric car? No change. You pay your parking fee as usual, connect the car to the charging box and can then charge via MER's app/web and pay for the electricity you charge. One goal is to be able to pay parking fees and electric charging in the same app in the future. Can I rent a fixed parking space? No, no private fixed places are rented out. If I have received a birth certificate, can Akademiska Hus cancel it? No, neither Akademiska Hus nor GU have the right to cancel parking fines. Contact Smart Parking to appeal. It is easily done via QR code on the inspection fee, where you also get access to photos and information about the inspection fee. Or: email alternatively call 0771 80 88 80 - key selection 1 during weekdays from 9 am to 2 pm.This text has been automatically translated, and some inaccuracies may be present.

Tisdag 3 oktober, 2023

Akademiska Hus takes over responsibility for the parking spaces on campus

From January 2024, Akademiska Hus will take over responsibility for the majority of Gothenburg University's parking lots. The takeover applies to all parking spaces in both garages in properties that the university rents from Akademiska Hus and in areas where Akademiska Hus leases land for parking spaces. There will be no increase in fees In September, an agreement was signed between the university and Akademiska Hus, and during the autumn rules for parking and routines for handling parking permits for employees and students will be drawn up. Detailed information from Akademiska Hus will be published here on the employee portal during the autumn. It is clear that there will be no change to the parking fees in 2024. Charge your electric car when you park on campus This summer, Akademiska Hus equipped 24 parking spaces with charging poles. The project with charging posts is part of the sustainability agreement that the university and Akademiska Hus signed between themselves and a way to contribute to more sustainable travel to and from campus.

Tisdag 30 augusti, 2022

Magnet became a work of art on Medicinareberget

Outside the Hasselblad laboratory, Akademiska Hus has contributed to a different work of art. An older magnet that was used in research has been given a new purpose and provides an exciting view of Medicinareberget. The magnet looks a bit like a spacecraft from the 60s and has become an exciting feature of the vegetation on Medicinareberget. There it now functions both as a work of art and as a symbol of the activities and research conducted by the Swedish NMR Center at the University of Gothenburg. The magnet was damaged in 2018 and has since been replaced by a new one by the University of Gothenburg. However, there was a will to preserve the magnet in some way. Together with Akademiska Hus, it has now been given a new location outside the Hasselblad laboratory. Recycling in its finest form.

Torsdag 21 april, 2022

Steer and set to Medicinareberget

Finally, it's time for Medicinareberget to get a control and scaffolding station. Steer and stand is a system for loan bicycles that covers large parts of Gothenburg and Mölndal. Preliminarily, it now opens on Friday 22 April and will be located between the entrances to LNC and EBM, Medicinaregatan 13. The bikes are available all year round, around the clock. An annual card costs SEK 300. Read more at or download the Nextbike app. Students get a 25 percent discount on annual passes - the discount can be downloaded via

Måndag 14 juni, 2021

Sand bed for wild bees is ready

Now the sand bed for wild bees and pollinators is ready! We hope for a positive response and the move of the new dwellings wild bees in the new sandy surface above the perennial flowers. To provide food for the bees, we have made an area with planted perennials (perennial flowers) in sand and an area with meadow seeds (annual flowers that release seeds and self-injure from year to year) in sand that we hope will germinate during the summer. We have also planted a tree of the mountain cherry variety and two shrubs of ginnala maple at the sandy surfaces. The location of the sand bed is chosen both in view of the warm sun and the location's proximity to colony areas with crops, which allows the bees to thrive even better and benefit the growers by pollinating vegetables. At the turn of the month August-September, the hive with tambin, which has been here since 2014, moves to another location.

Onsdag 14 april, 2021

Vi gräver för vildbina

Vi kommer att utföra grävarbeten på gräsytan mellan Wallenbergssalen/Lyktan och koloniområdet Änggårdens odlareförening.  Detta kan åstadkomma störande ljud.Anledningen är att vi ska skapa sandytor som kan bli boplatser för vildbin. Veckan därpå kommer vi att plantera växter i sandytan för att skapa föda åt bina. Efter sommaren kommer vi att ta bort bikupan med tambin, för att gynna de vilda bina. Detta är ett pilotprojekt som vi utför som ett steg i att skapa större biologisk mångfald på Campus Medicinareberget, som del i ett praktikantarbete av Rachel Lichter hösten 2020. Vid val av plats konsulterades doktorand Oskar Gran, entomolog på intuitionen för Biologi och miljövetenskap på GU.