Campus development

That our campus areas develop and provide higher education institutions with the right conditions over time is crucial for us as a company. The key to success is to find close and good forms of collaboration with our customers where we can translate visions into concrete development and action plans.

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Vacant premises

Our knowledge environments are dynamic places where the core focuse is on education and research, but also on entrepreneurship and innovation. We have modern labs and offices for rent at several of our campuses.

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Customer service

Campus development

That our campus areas develop and provide higher education institutions with the right conditions over time is crucial for us as a company. The key to success is to find close and good forms of collaboration with our customers where we can translate visions into concrete development and action plans.

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Vacant premises

Our knowledge environments are dynamic places where the core focuse is on education and research, but also on entrepreneurship and innovation. We have modern labs and offices for rent at several of our campuses.

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Customer service



Campus info

Campus Umeå was founded in the early 1960s and is today a vibrant hub for research, innovation and education. Here you will find Umeå University, the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) and IKSU, which together with Norrland University Hospital and Uminova make up Umeå University City. This neighborhood is known for its strong focus on sports and health, creating a dynamic and inspiring environment for students and researchers.

Lindellhallen at Umeå campus

Lindellhallen at Umeå campus

Lindellhallen at Umeå campus

Area and properties

Karakteristiskt för området är den vackra universitetsdammen, som utgör en central plats på campus. Runtomkring breder stora öppna gräsytor ut sig, vilka inbjuder till både aktivitet och gemenskap. Denna harmoniska miljö kombineras med omfattande service, boendealternativ och aktiviteter, vilket gör campus tillgängligt och bidrar till en känsla av trygghet och säkerhet för alla. 

I närheten av campus ligger Lilljansberget, där det på sikt planeras för nya student- och forskarbostäder, vilket ytterligare kommer att stärka campus som en levande och dynamisk miljö för både studier och forskning. 

Campus amenities

  • Train
  • Bus
  • Visitor Parking
  • Environmentally Certified Buildings
  • Bicycle Parking
  • Gym
  • Charging Stations

Documents and links


Here's how to get to Campus Umeå

Campus guide

Get in touch with us

Welcome to contact or visit us at the local office in Umeå