Campus development

That our campus areas develop and provide higher education institutions with the right conditions over time is crucial for us as a company. The key to success is to find close and good forms of collaboration with our customers where we can translate visions into concrete development and action plans.

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Vacant premises

Our knowledge environments are dynamic places where the core focuse is on education and research, but also on entrepreneurship and innovation. We have modern labs and offices for rent at several of our campuses.

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Customer service

Campus development

That our campus areas develop and provide higher education institutions with the right conditions over time is crucial for us as a company. The key to success is to find close and good forms of collaboration with our customers where we can translate visions into concrete development and action plans.

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Vacant premises

Our knowledge environments are dynamic places where the core focuse is on education and research, but also on entrepreneurship and innovation. We have modern labs and offices for rent at several of our campuses.

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Customer service


Campus Ångströmlaboratoriet

Disturbances & Info


Wednesday 29 January, 2025

Measures after moisture damage in House 1

Due to water damage to a wall in the stairwell in the northern part of the Ångström Laboratory building 1, between floors 1 to 4, Akademiska Hus will, from Wednesday, January 29, begin repair work involving the demolition of this wall and the erection of a new one, see attached drawings below.In order to give the craftsmen the best possible conditions to carry out this work and to ensure that the stairwell will occasionally be both dusty and noisy, you (the tenant) are asked to choose another route/staircase to get between the affected floors during the work.During this work, the staircase will continue to function as an escape route, also between these floors. However, it may be a good idea to take note of information on evacuation signs if there are alternative escape routes, e.g. the emergency evacuation stairwells in the middle of buildings 2 and 3.

Monday 27 January, 2025

Record-breaking energy savings at the Ångström laboratory

The approximately 100,000 m2 Ångström laboratory draws roughly as much energy as a small Swedish community. Akademiska Hus and Uppsala University are now carrying out extensive work with the goal of reducing the amount of energy supplied to the building by as much as 30 percent. The savings are unique in terms of size for Akademiska Hus and part of the property company's and the university's deepened sustainability cooperation.The project goes by the name "The Octopus" to symbolize the Ångström Laboratory's total of ten house bodies whose design can be seen as a head with arms like an octopus. The work takes place in different stages and extends until the year 2025. In the first stage, which was recently completed, Akademiska Hus has invested approximately SEK 40 million. The measures that have been taken are aimed at enabling energy to be moved between the building bodies and used where it does the most good in various ways.- Akademiska Hus has a zero vision for its climate footprint and an important part of that work is to reduce the amount of delivered energy. The investment we are making in the Ångström laboratory is unique to us and when the work is finished, the goal is that we will have reduced the annual energy supply to the building by a full 8 GWh, says Andreas Kupenberg, director of Technology and Service at Akademiska Hus.The heat of the server halls becomes circularIn the Ångström laboratory, energy-intensive research and teaching is conducted in, among other areas, batteries, solar energy, IT and cyber security. Today, the buildings' energy needs measure 26 GWh per year, where a majority of the energy is used to cool the large server halls needed for the university's technology-intensive operations to function. The work in the first stage of the project has focused on making use of the heat created in the server halls and efficiently moving it to other parts of the building where heat is needed and then going back as cooling to the server halls. The circular energy system means that the amount of delivered energy that would otherwise have been required to heat and cool the building can be drastically reduced.- It is important that we as a university participate in this development. Uppsala University is strong in energy research and it is not only about developing new energy technologies but also new solutions for energy saving, says Charlotte Platzer Björkman, professor of solar cell technology and vice-rector for the discipline of technology and natural sciences at Uppsala University.The work to greatly reduce the energy supply to the Ångström laboratory now continues with the two remaining stages. In these, Akademiska Hus invests an additional SEK 35 million. The focus is, among other things, on improving ventilation.This text has been automatically translated, and some inaccuracies may be present.

Wednesday 22 January, 2025

Radon measurement, Jan-March 2025

Information from Akademiska HusFrom January 22 to March 31, a radon measurement will be performed at the Ångström laboratory, Building 10.These small black boxes will be placed in various offices as well as in lecture halls in the buildning.If you find such a box in your office, we ask that you leave it there and do nothing with it. This is so that we will get the best results possible on the measurement.When the measurement is finished, all the doses will be collected again.Do you have any questions?Please contact:Tobias Andersson, Tobias.andersson@akademiskahus.seTeknisk FörvaltareAkademiska Hus

Tuesday 25 October, 2022

Electric car charging at the Ångström laboratory

By offering charging for electric vehicles, we want to contribute to sustainable transport on, to and from our campus areas. In collaboration with the charging operator Mer Charging Solutions, we want to make it easy to be able to charge the car regardless of which university you visit. The charging stations are part of Mer's public charging network in Sweden and are visible in Mer's app. With the app, you can also pay, start and stop charging. The user can receive charging assistance 24/7 from Mer's customer service.At the Ångström laboratory, there are 4 parking spaces equipped with this type of charging station.See the map in this post for info on where these are located. Benefits for the universityPossibility to rent a charging point, e.g. daytime weekdays. Talk to Akademiska Hus if interested.Simple reporting of fuel costs for the company car driver.The charging stations are visible in Mer's app and Mer's charging map.Make it easy for the visitor to load with the same payment method and function for all campuses.More takes care of questions about charging and offers charging assistance around the clock, all week.Benefits for the userCan charge easily, flexibly and safely when the car is still parked.The same payment method via app or charging token regardless of campus area and when charging along the way in Mer's public charging network.Easy to find the charging stations via Mer's app or charging map.Option to choose between different charging subscriptions depending on charging needs.Charging assistance around the clock, all week by Mer's customer service.