Campus development

That our campus areas develop and provide higher education institutions with the right conditions over time is crucial for us as a company. The key to success is to find close and good forms of collaboration with our customers where we can translate visions into concrete development and action plans.

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Vacant premises

Our knowledge environments are dynamic places where the core focuse is on education and research, but also on entrepreneurship and innovation. We have modern labs and offices for rent at several of our campuses.

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Customer service

Campus development

That our campus areas develop and provide higher education institutions with the right conditions over time is crucial for us as a company. The key to success is to find close and good forms of collaboration with our customers where we can translate visions into concrete development and action plans.

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Vacant premises

Our knowledge environments are dynamic places where the core focuse is on education and research, but also on entrepreneurship and innovation. We have modern labs and offices for rent at several of our campuses.

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Customer service


University of Gothenburg - Näckrosen

Disturbances & Info


Torsdag 4 januari, 2024

Information about the car parks from 1 January

From 1 January 2024, the University of Gothenburg hands over responsibility for the parking lots to Akademiska Hus on the Medicinareberget, Haga-Linné, Haga-Handels and Lorensberg campuses. What does this mean for me who has to park the car? Today's parking permit continues to apply until further notice. The goal is to find a digital solution and in the meantime the parking permits for 2023 run indefinitely. In 2024, no change will be made to the rates for parking. Please note that Easy Park now charges a service fee to use their app. If you use the Smart Parking app or pay via the web, you avoid the service fee. The EasyPark app can still be used, but keep in mind that these are new zones! In addition, you can pay with the Smart Parks app and on the web as well as SMS. Important about zone codes: P permit gives the right to a lower rate. To get the lower rate, add a 1 to the end of the current zone code. For example Viktoriagatan has zone code 11933 for visitors, to obtain the lower rate use zone code 119331. The signage will only show the zone code for visitors who pay a higher rate. See attached document for all zone codes. Which parking company will work in the areas? Smart Parking How do I get in touch with Smart Parking? Customer service is open on weekdays from 8 am to 5 pm and can be reached by phone: 0771 80 88 80 – key selection 3 or email: You can also chat via the website or use the contact form on the website If I see a wrongly parked car, where do I turn? Telephone: 0771 80 88 80 - dial 1. Opening hours 00-24 every day. For less urgent error reports, it is fine to send an email to What does this mean for me who wants to charge my electric car? No change. You pay your parking fee as usual, connect the car to the charging box and can then charge via MER's app/web and pay for the electricity you charge. One goal is to be able to pay parking fees and electric charging in the same app in the future. Can I rent a fixed parking space? No, no private fixed places are rented out. If I have received a birth certificate, can Akademiska Hus cancel it? No, neither Akademiska Hus nor GU have the right to cancel parking fines. Contact Smart Parking to appeal. It is easily done via QR code on the control fee, where you also get access to photos and information about the control fee. Or: email alternatively call 0771 80 88 80 - key selection 1 during weekdays from 9 am to 2 pm.This text has been automatically translated, and some inaccuracies may be present.

Tisdag 3 oktober, 2023

Akademiska Hus takes over responsibility for the parking spaces on campus

From January 2024, Akademiska Hus will take over responsibility for the majority of Gothenburg University's parking lots. The takeover applies to all parking spaces in both garages in properties that the university rents from Akademiska Hus and in areas where Akademiska Hus leases land for parking spaces. There will be no increase in fees In September, an agreement was signed between the university and Akademiska Hus, and during the autumn rules for parking and routines for handling parking permits for employees and students will be drawn up. Detailed information from Akademiska Hus will be published here on the employee portal during the autumn. It is clear that there will be no change to the parking fees in 2024. Charge your electric car when you park on campus This summer, Akademiska Hus equipped 24 parking spaces with charging poles. The project with charging posts is part of the sustainability agreement that the university and Akademiska Hus signed between themselves and a way to contribute to more sustainable travel to and from campus.

Fredag 2 juni, 2023

The work with the seating area by the wall affects the bicycle racks outside Humanisten

In connection with the completion of the New Humanist, a brick wall was built between the entrance square and the large grassy area. This wall will now be lowered to enable a pleasant sitting area with a view towards Renströmsparken. This work will be noisy and dusty which means that the work will be carried out when the spring semester is over starting after June 12th and is expected to be completed in mid-August before the fall semester starts. Bicycle racks closest to the wall will not be able to be used during the work, but the other rows can be used as usual. However, there is a high risk of the bike becoming dusty.

Fredag 18 november, 2022

On the importance of art for the campus

Welcome to a seminar on the importance and role of art for a knowledge environment. The seminar is digital, but there are also audience seats in the studio in Gothenburg and you indicate your interest in the registration form. The broadcast is recorded in its entirety and can be viewed afterwards. Participating in the seminar are Lena From, head of the art unit at the State Council for the Arts, Marcus Rancken, strategic property developer and art manager at Akademiska Hus, Ylva Snöfrid, artist and currently with three works for Forum Medicum at Lund University. We also hear from several university representatives about their favorite works of art on campus. Through Hanna Ljungh, artist, we get to know more about her new work for the University of Gothenburg and the Natrium project and what the process for it has looked like. Dennis Dahlqvist, journalist, art historian and art critic, is the seminar's moderator. Date: 22 November Time: 13.15-14.15

Måndag 20 juni, 2022

Akademiska Hus invests billions in central Gothenburg

Akademiska Hus is investing approximately SEK 1.9 billion in a new building that will make it possible for the University of Gothenburg to gather the Faculty of Arts between Götaplatsen and Korsvägen. The investment will be an important part of the development of the university area Näckrosen and the meeting place for the humanities, arts and culture that is created there. - The University of Gothenburg has the largest art faculty in Scandinavia with a completely unique breadth of educations and research, even in an international perspective. The fact that we can now gather the faculty in the middle of the city in a building that is specifically adapted for the business provides fantastic opportunities, both for the university, for Gothenburg and for cultural life, says Eva Wiberg, Rector of the University of Gothenburg. In the new building, the faculty's two departments, the School of Art and Design (HDK-Valand) and the School of Stage and Music (HSM) can move together. The house will be home to students, researchers and teachers in all artistic subjects, which creates greater opportunities for students and researchers from different disciplines to interact and new collaborations in the artistic subjects can emerge. - Together with the University of Gothenburg, we create an efficient and purposeful building where all the subjects of the Faculty of Arts can gather in premises that provide the conditions for outstanding education and research. The university area at Näckrosen is strengthened as a living place in the middle of the city where people can meet, experience art and exchange knowledge, says Anna Alsborger, property director at Akademiska Hus. Specific and flexible premises The investment consists of a rebuilding of part of the existing Artisten as well as an extension with two new house bodies in six floors called Kuben and Längan. The environments will include workshops, multi-purpose halls, dance halls, concert halls, theaters, galleries, studios, music rooms, studios, offices, cafés and restaurants. - We have long been known for our fine workshops and other special premises and we want to continue to be so in the future. In the new house, we have invested heavily in the special rooms required for artistic education and research, such as workshops for textiles, metal, wood and ceramics, concert halls, rehearsal rooms, photo labs, studios and blackboxes. And of course galleries and scenes where we can share our production, says Sanne Kofod Olsen, dean of the Faculty of Arts. The premises will have a flexible design so that they can be changed according to the university's future needs, while the co-location in the new building means that the faculty's need for rented premises will decrease by a total of 25 percent compared to the space they rent today. The renovation and extension project covers a total of approximately 45,000 m2, of which the Faculty of Arts intends to rent 26,200 m2. Other areas include a parking garage and attractive office space for external activities connected to the academy or which in a longer perspective can constitute space for the faculty to grow in. Ascent from Västlänken The project also includes an ascent from Västlänken station Korsvägen with retail premises with adapted service offerings. The entrance will be integrated in the new extension Längan and located at the corner between Johannebergsgatan and Olof Wijksgatan. The location has been developed in close collaboration with the City of Gothenburg and with the aim of minimizing changes in the urban environment. With the ascent, the building and the university open up further towards the city, throughput and people's lives on surrounding streets increase and the opportunity for sustainable travel to and from campus improves. Sustainable and long-term Building sustainably and long-term is of the utmost importance for both Akademiska Hus and the University of Gothenburg. High environmental requirements are set in all construction projects and the Faculty of Arts' new building will be built with the aim of being certified according to Miljöbyggnad Guld. As part of this work, recycled materials will be used where possible. The renovation and extension is planned to start in February 2023. The relocation of the Faculty of Arts is planned to begin in a first stage in 2025 and be completed in 2027. About the Waterlily area With its central location between Korsvägen and Götaplatsen, Näckrosen is a place with great opportunities. Here, the University of Gothenburg and Akademiska Hus create a new university environment for the entire university and the entire city - a new center for the humanities, arts and culture for future research and education. The new Humanist was completed in December 2019 and brings together the Faculty of Humanities under one roof. In addition to the new building for the Faculty of Arts with an integrated entrance from Västlänken's station Korsvägen, planning is underway for a new and more functional university library. Akademiska Hus recently began the conversion of part of the old Humanisten, the so-called Språkskrapan, into student housing. With proximity to both the cultural institutions around Götaplatsen and to Korsvägen and the event route, the university area Näckrosen will in a few years be an even more active and integrated part of Gothenburg.

Måndag 10 maj, 2021

Akademiska Hus bygger studentbostäder i Språkskrapan

Akademiska Hus investerar 103 miljoner kronor i att förvandla en tidigare kontorsbyggnad till 61 lägenheter vid Näckrosenområdet mitt i centrala Göteborg. Satsningen skapar ett efterlängtat campusnära boende för 125 studenter och forskare och bidrar till att minska den studentbostadsbrist som råder i staden.Det är den så kallade Språkskrapan som byggdes på 1960-talet som Akademiska Hus nu gör om till ett modernt boende för studenter och forskare vid Göteborgs universitet. Byggnaden är placerad i Näckrosenområdet vid Renströmsparken mellan Götaplatsen och Korsvägen. Den har tidigare använts som kontor men tomställdes i samband med att universitetet flyttade till nya lokaler i den ombyggda och närliggande Humanisten. – Vi vet att efterfrågan på student- och forskarbostäder är stor runt om i landet och därför arbetar Akademiska Hus engagerat med att skapa fler bostäder på campus. Det är viktigt för oss och i det här fallet Göteborg som en attraktiv studentstad. Bostäder bidrar dessutom till ett tryggare och öppnare campus som blir levande dygnet runt, något vi strävar efter, säger Susanne Malmgren, chef för studentbostäder på Akademiska Hus.  Fokus på delat boende  De nya studentbostäderna består av två huskroppar med ett gemensamt trapphus och en sammanbyggd med Humanisten. Lägenheterna som skapas kommer att vara klassiska studentettor och duolägenheter för två personer. Men här görs också plats för större lägenheter enligt det nya studentbostadskoncept för delat boende som Akademiska Hus har tagit fram. I dessa lägenheter bor fem till sex personer som alla har varsitt sovrum men som delar på kök, vardagsrum och badrum.  – Att dela boende har flera fördelar. Det främjar social gemenskap och förhindrar ensamhet som många studenter känner när de flyttar till en ny stad. Dessutom är det bra ur ett hållbarhetsperspektiv när funktioner och ytor samutnyttjas och likaså kan vi nå en mer prisvärd hyra, säger Susanne Malmgren, chef för studentbostäder på Akademiska Hus.  Återbruk och solceller  Som en del i Akademiska Hus arbete för att nå en nollvision för sitt klimatavtryck har den befintliga kontorsbyggnaden inventerats med målsättningen att kunna ta tillvara och återbruka delar av de befintliga materialen under ombyggnationen till bostäder. Byggnaden kommer också att utrustats med solceller på taket. Anläggningen beräknas producera cirka 21 000 KWh hållbar energi per år och kommer att täcka en del av husets interna elbehov, till exempel för belysning. − En annan viktig hållbar aspekt är att vi bygger studentbostäderna i ett redan befintligt hus. På så vis kan vi avsevärt minska den påverkan på miljön som en nybyggnation innebär, säger Susanne Malmgren.Inflyttning i de nya student- och forskarbostäderna i Göteborg planeras ske under 2023. Bostäderna kommer att blockförhyras av en annan part.   

Tisdag 17 november, 2020

Coliving can halve the climate footprint per person

Today, Akademiska Hus is releasing an interdisciplinary study on how the shared housing of the future should be designed to be as climate-smart and sustainable as possible. The study shows, among other things, that the climate footprint per person can be reduced by more than 50 percent when the homes are designed to share common areas such as kitchens and bathrooms. It is together with, among others, HSB Living Lab and KTH Live-In Lab that Akademiska Hus has produced the study "Future shared housing: A report on sustainability in lifestyle and housing". A number of forms of housing for students, researchers and young adults around Sweden have examined several perspectives - economic and organizational conditions, housing and building design, as well as the residents' opportunity for a sustainable lifestyle. - Coliving can strongly contribute to sustainable societal development, which is an important lesson for the construction and real estate sector where we need to greatly reduce our climate impact. The results from the study will form the basis for our future research collaborations and give us guidance when we design innovative and campus-based student housing that will partly contain shared areas. We also hope that the study can provide insights and concrete tools for more people in the real estate industry who wish to develop future shared living environments, says Susanne Malmgren, head of student housing at Akademiska Hus. Halved climate footprint and increased quality of life The study shows that the climate footprint per inhabitant can decrease by more than 50 percent in the construction phase if you plan for increased division. The key to the reduced footprint is that you share climate-intensive parts such as kitchens and bathrooms. Shared housing thus enables a more efficient floor plan and building design in comparison with individual housing. According to the study, it is also possible to have approximately 10-15 tonnes of carbon dioxide per capita as a guideline value when building new forms of shared housing. In addition to pure climate benefits, Akademiska Hus' study shows that consciously efficient planning of the home's various surfaces and functions also enables sharing between several users and that the quality of life in the home can thus increase compared with an individual home. Areas shared with the entire accommodation should make up the largest percentage and preferably exceed 40 percent. - Coliving provides opportunities for a more sustainable lifestyle. The more needs that the home can meet, the more the resident wants to stay in and use their home. Shared housing also leads to more social relationships. In this way, this type of housing can counteract the trend of loneliness and mental illness that we see mainly among young adults today, says Linda Teng, housing developer and innovation leader for sustainable urban and campus development at Akademiska Hus. Other partners who have contributed to the study are Studentbostäder i Linköping AB, Nordic Choice Hotels, Chalmers, KTH, Zynka BIM, Tengbom, Arkitema, Semrén & Månsson and Grunditz Göransson architects.